Lebesgue Measurable Functions

Zhao Cong


  1. Definition A function is said to be Lebesgue measurable, or simply measurable, provided that its domain is a measurable subset of and for each real number , the set is measurable.

  2. Proposition 1 If is measurable, then for every interval of real numbers, is measurable.

  3. Proposition 2 A function is measurable if and only if for each open set , the inverse image of under , , is a measurable set.

  4. Proposition 3 If is measurable, then every continuous function is measurable.

  5. Proposition 4 If , where and are measurable, then is measurable if and only if its restrictions to and are measurable. In particular, if and , then is measurable if and only is measurable

  6. Theorem 5 If and are measurable functions, then for any and (Linearity) is measurable. (Products) is measurable

  7. characteristic function:a Lebesgue Measurable Functions

  8. Proposition 6 If is a measurable function and is continuous, then the composition is measurable.

  9. Proposition 7 For a finite collectionof measurable functions, the functions and ,,also are measurable

  10. almost everywhere(a.e) A set ,a property ,if ,p(x) is said to be established almost everywhere(a.e).


  1. Definition:A sequence of functions is said to converge pointwise to the function provided that
  2. Theorem 8If is a sequence of measurable functions that converges pointwise almost everywhere to the function , then is measurable
  3. Definition A real-valued function is said to be simple provided that it is measurable and takes only a finite number of values.
    • canonical representation of the simple function:on ,where
  4. Definition A measurable function is said to be finitely supported provided that it vanishes on the complement of a set of finite measure
  5. The Simple Approximation Theorem:if the function is measurable, then there is a sequence of finitely supported, simple functions that converges pointwise on to and has the property that ,on ,for all .().If , then, in addition, is increasing and each ,if is bounded,uniformly converges to


  1. Egoroff’s Theorem Assume that . If is a sequence of measurable functions that converges pointwise on to the function, then for each > 0, there is a closed set for which and uniformly on
  2. Lemma 10(a very special case of the Tietze Extension Theorem):If is a closed subset of and is a continuous function, then it has a continuous extension to .
  3. Lusin’s Theorem If is a measurable function, then for each , there is a continuous function and a closed subset of for which and on